Manic Witch

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Psychic Vampires

I am calling out to all my Witchy friends out there. I need some ideas on how to ward off toxic energies at work. Shakira has been downright aggressive lately. I walk into work yesterday and she launches in to me about not making her reminder calls for yesterdays patients on Monday when the office was closed and I was there covering phones. Then I hear her making todays calls yesterday and I know she hasn't made tomorrows calls. Last week she comes in screaming at me and fires off a vile message to George bitching that a patient was waiting in the hall and the front door was still locked. Not only was the patient 15 minutes early, but I cannot see the front door from where I work. Thank Goddess George called her into his office to speak with her about it. I have no idea what was said, but she came out and apologized. It was a half assed one, kind of like you would hear from pre-schoolers when they fight and mommy makes them apologize to each other.
W. (I can't remember what name I assigned her here) is no better. Everytime I delegate a duty to her she runs to George bitching about being too busy to take on anything else. I know it takes away from her looking out the window giving us weather updates, but this work needs to be done.

Any ideas? I am not all fluffy bunny so I am not worried about a well placed spell that may be less than rainbows and butterflies. I cast a spell last month to bind their negativity to them but apparently it didn't take. I'm getting to the point where I want out of there. I'm really not getting any kind of support from George.

Manic Witch wove her spell:: 10/16/2008 06:35:00 AM ::