Manic Witch

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Money could buy dreams...

Didn't know how to title that, so I guess I just leave it that way.

Didjaever play the "if we would win the lottery" game? I know some people imagine buying a huge fancy house, several fancy cars and many fancy vacations. Us? I guess we are simpler than that. We have an opportunity to buy a huge 6 bedroom 3 bath house but are nowhere near able to do it financially. If we could have, it would have made sense 2 years ago when the girls first moved in here. Now? Not so much. Percy moved out a few months ago, and Agatha leave for college next year. So why bother? Most of that house would go to waste.
No, we'd rather pay off bills, fix up this house and wait for Endora to leave for college in 3 years. I would probably quit my job to stay home and work on the house. I love my job, but could see when I have a bad day thinking "Fuck you. I don't NEED to be here." We'd hold on to the house as a starter home for one of the kids if they want it and help the others buy a home whereever they want to settle. The wouldn't get their share of the money until they are 30 or 35 though. We want them to finish their education and learn to live off what they make in their chosen fields for a few years. They need to learn to budget their money so they don't blow their trust funds. We would then move to "Hometown USA", Mayberry if you will. It has to be a quiet, small town in an area that doesn't have 6 month long winters, but very little humidity. I can't deal at all with high humidity and don't want to freeze and shovel snow for half the year, but I do need all 4 changes of season. We wondered what we would do with our days and Hubs would love to open a computer repair/tech support shop. I didn't know what I wanted until we went to our local metaphysical shop yesterday. He thought I could open a shop in Hometown. I wouldn't have to worry about surviving on it financially, but have it more as a hobby, filling a "need" in the area. I could finally learn to make soaps, oil blends and incense. We want the town to be one where we could stroll to work from our victorian home with a huge porch where we could sit on the porch on our swing drinking our morning coffee and having our end of day drinks watching people on their evening strolls. We love our cars, so I don't think we would ditch them. Maybe trade his in for a pick up truck-he loves pick-ups, a holdover from his Oklahoma roots. We would also get a winnebago so we could tour the county. We have more fun doing that than flying.
I think it's funny that winning millions would afford us the ability to live a simpler life.
What are your Lotto-dreams?

Manic Witch wove her spell:: 9/21/2008 08:58:00 AM ::